Leia o texto abaixo e faça o que se
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, from
Argentina, was elected to be the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church on
Wednesday, March 13, 2013. He was the archbishop of Buenos Aires and now as the
new Pope he took the name of Francis.
An interesting fact is that
Bergoglio is the
first head of the Catholic Church ever to come from the
Americas and the first from outside Europe in more than a millennium.
The choice of a 76-year-old cardinal
to be the new pope was a surprise considering that it had been assumed that
the cardinals would select someone younger. However, they chose a man who is
more than qualified for the job, experts account.
He is said to cook his own meals and take public transportation, which clearly
contributed to his reputation for humility.
Pope Francis is the 266th pontiff
that will lead the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics.
(Adaptado para o teste de estratégias de
leitura do Ensino Médio da Escola Eunice Weaver)
O que mais você saberia dizer sobre
a reputação de humildade do Papa Francisco?
(Atividade extra valendo 1 ponto
para a 1ª avaliação da disciplina Língua Inglesa)
Postagem até o dia 12 de maio de
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Até a próxima postagem!
Teacher Rosália Oliveira